Beach Activities To Try Before Summer’s Out
What a summer it has been, for many although it was a strange time, it was also a time to slow down. To spend as much time with family as possible, and with fewer of us travelling abroad, we were able to explore some amazing places closer to home.
The schools are going back and people are returning to their offices, but maybe we shouldn’t go back to exactly how things were before. There are a few more weeks left before autumn is really upon us, so maybe we can squeeze in another few trips to the beach, before we say goodbye to summer.
Here are some ideas of fun things for families to do on the beach;
1. How low can you go?
This game is about digging as big a hole as you can in the sand, just grab your bucket and spade and get going. It’s also great fun to dig a hole and bury someone up their neck in sand. Just make sure you fill in any holes afterwards for the safety of other beach users.
2. Water bucket relay
This is a relay race with a bit of a difference, set up a bucket on the sand you can do a joint effort or one per racer. Then using buckets, cups from your picnic, or even large shells charge back and forwards from the water to the bucket – the first one to fill their bucket wins. This is a challenging one as racers try not to spill a single drop of water on the sand.
3. Fly a kite
People of all ages enjoy flying a kite, and beaches are some of the best places to see those kites take flight. There are few other places where there are no overhead wires, or nearby trees to avoid. Seeing your kite soar high above the sand dunes is seriously satisfying.
4. Build an inukshuk
A what? An inukshuk is commonly found in Canada and is a monument of stones piled on top of each other. They were usually built in the shape of a human, in fact the word inukshuk, an inuit word, means to act in capacity of a human. In the frozen landscape with nothing around but snow these monuments could serve as markers for navigation. So you could gather stones, bits of driftwood or sea glass and build your own inukshuk. The biggest one, according to the Guinness Book of Records was a massive 37 feet tall. Yours might be a bit smaller.
5. Beach ball parachute
So for this game you each take a corner of the biggest beach towel you have, our Wild Atlantic Sand Free Beach Towel would be perfect for this, it is light as air, doesn’t cling to sand and is extra large in size. Place the beach ball in the middle of the towel and then work together to flick the ball into the air, as high as you can.
These are just a few ideas to help you make the most of your day at the beach, of course you could just take off your shoes, feel the sand on your toes and the wind in your face and relax. If you do build an inukshuk don’t forget to take a picture and tag us- Irish inukshuks, you heard it here first.